70 days to go: HEROES IN A HALF-SHELL
Every week I reflect on what lessons I learned. This week it was an important pair of lessons.
1. Sleep is quite important
2. Stretching is quite important
Now, you may think that these sit somewhere between the “No sh1t Sherlock” and “Does a bear sh1t in the woods” continuum of obvious statements. But sometimes the most obvious things are the things we miss the most. These two are my hidden in plain site weaknesses. The former especially.
I often get messaged and tagged with people doing early morning runs. It’s great to see. But every now and then I need to respect the need for zeds and just grab an extra half hour here or there. On Saturday I opted for an extra hour in bed rather than get up for a dog-walk, run and then parkrun. Instead I did my 5k Parkrun as a tempo effort.
One of the important things with coaching from Paul is having some agency in my decisioning. A plan is not a thing to be a slave to at all costs. Making smart decisions matters. Much like I had to do last week: https://www.pyllonultra.com/insideout/77-days-to-go-jdhyb
The result was a run on Sunday that felt effortless and lovely.
It came after a longer lie Saturday. Then an afternoon at the Vue at Glasgow Fort where I watched the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with Louise and the boys. A brilliantly animated movie taking me back to 1990 when we first got Sky TV (2 week free home trial that lasted 6 months!) and getting up before school to watch Splinter and the gang take on the evil Shredder. Life was simpler then.
I didn’t take any pics this week so here’s a flying Cavapoo for your enjoyment
My training week could best be described as average. I was in Dublin for a couple of days had to grind out my long run. A 4:30am start - which is where my sleep lesson really came from. But, I had a tough tempo and I nailed that like a Jolly Joiner chapping 6 inchers in with their favourite hammer into soft wood!
This week ahead I am in Berlin so will be all about managing energy and effort. And seeing some sites as I explore a city with no little history.
Thanks for reading!
(Written by James Stewart)