Paul feeling tired
The team hit the halfway point of the challenge yesterday lunchtime in good spirits. However fatigue is definitely starting to bite, and some members of the team are having less luck than others. Paul Giblin faced the wrath of the weather gods as he took on the already difficult 12-4am shift on Friday morning. “Totally miserable” was his initial post run verdict. Later added was “Windy. Cold. Legs cranky. Stomach cranky.” From previous Endeavours it is often runs like these we look back on most fondly. We’ll let him get back to us on that.
James Stewart took over the 4-8am leg in good spirits despite nursing a small foot niggle. He stayed low and flat and decided to run past the home of his beloved Celtic Park to shout Sack the Board before heading into the city centre and back along the canal to Croy. He enjoyed the deserted Glasgow streets and pushed on to a fantastic 31.5 miles.
Grant took over and admitted to a few pangs of guilt as he ran out into a crisp, dry winter sunrise. Running between Strathblane and Fintry, Grant enjoyed views of the snow covered Campsie Fells. He even took the time to stop for a photo which we would share but he discovered Gu gel wrappers in the same pocket as your phone don’t improve the quality of your photos. Social media fail Grant. At least he did some running: 31.3 miles and 3189 feet of ascent and possibly some sunburn.
Kaz has her kit organised for Leg 4!
KazCo (Kaz and Marco) were then out for each of their shifts, maintaining their handover at the 2-hour mark . Chamonix weather hasn’t been particularly kind to Kaz but as always - never a moan or a complaint. Conditions were much better today in the alpine valley although slippy underfoot!
Marco had another fast run and managed to bag some ascent too. He seems to be enjoying it more and more now, even though he admits to feeling a little “goosed.”
To close out the day we have the Connolly brothers on separate shifts. The people in their street must wonder what’s going on as there always seems to be one Connolly running somewhere, with purpose!
Friday 12:00 totals:
Hours run: 108 (of 168)
Distance run: 783.6 miles
Elevation Gain: 85,935 feet
Donations to SAMH: £3,465 (69% of target) Donate now
84 Hours.
Get Involved!
RUN: you can support us, just by donating some Endeavour Support Miles of your own. It would motivate us if our community could get close to (and beat) 1,000 miles across the week. Just let us know how many miles you run by posting on social media, tagging @pyllon and using the hashtag #PyllonEndeavour - you can also log your miles on our Strava club - Pyllon Endeavour.
TALK: It’s not always obvious when people are struggling or suffering mental health problems - so ask, and listen. Just creating a safe space - free of judgement for people to talk about how they feel can be life changing and life saving.
FOLLOW: we’ll do our best to update you on the event through the website and across social media. We’ll have someone running at all hours day and night for a full week
SUPPORT: we’d love it if you could send us burritos again. We’re joking - we haven’t eaten another since the last event! We will be running for 168 hours straight - so feel free to send some messages of support at any time. It’ll make all the difference at 2 in the morning to know someone is following!
SHARE: clearly we cannot get together in person, so if you do want to support us please share our messages, leave comments and likes on social media and let others know more about why we are doing this challenge
DONATE: SAMH are our charity partner again and we are hoping to help them continue the great work they do by raising funds for them - awareness of mental health saves lives. So if you can spare any money, we know it will be used wisely, and it will make a difference. Donate now.
Hope to see your Endeavour Support miles soon :)