[THIS EVENT IS FINISHED] find out more about exposure dark for January 2022.
PYLLON EXPOSURE: Surrender is your only option
This is the LIVE Exposure race page. Below you will find details of entrants, and live leaderboards through the events. If you are taking part you can submit your times using the button below. You can also visit our Exposure DOWNLOADS page, and Frequently Asked Questions.
Exposure by Pyllon is a virtual ultra running event starting on the 24th April. You can expose yourself to one of three race options - 6 hours, 12 hours or 24 hours.
Once selected, in order to complete the race you’ll have to commit to taking part for the full race period (6, 12, or 24 hours). However, you won’t know exactly what distance you have to run. Each hour of the event, we will reveal how many miles you will have to cover that hour. It’s then up to you to choose how fast you want to run - run hard and gain some rest time before the next hourly exposure? Pace it more carefully knowing that you’ll have to survive another 5, 10, or 20 hours?
Expected Distances
• 6-hour race could be at least 50K
• 12-hour race could be at least 50 miles
• 24-hour race could be at least 100 miles
Some people will want to race - if you do, the challenge will be to complete each Exposure, submit your time and see if you can make it onto the leaderboard. The winner of each event will be the athlete with the fastest overall completion time across all Exposures. Results will be uploaded to the leader board after each hour. It may take until the half hour for these to be updated - but you’ll have a good idea how many people remain and what the leading times are.
For most, the challenge of completion will be monumental enough. You’ll have to think about your rest and recovery time - about staying positive to head back out there and run. Will it be just 2 miles? Or 6 miles this time? We’ll determine the exposure level!
Beyond the results / leaderboard this event will be about having fun. The vulnerability of not knowing what distance you’ll have to cover will be a journey of discovery. We’ll all be in it together and we’re sure to play some games with you along the way. We expect that you might need some virtual support from friends and family, and we want you to share your own personal journey along the way - from the highs of finishing another hour, to the lows of finding out you’ll have to step up the pace for the next Exposure. You can tag us on facebook, twitter or instagram using the hashtag #PyllonExposure
How Can I Follow Along?
We will be posting updates on the leaderboard and following the action across social media. So please follow @pyllonultra and @pyllon on Twitter and Instagram.